From Prayerhouse to Brawlhouse

12-17-2023Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

Bonfire of the Vanities: Vatican City Edition, 2023.

Well, it seems that Papa Francesco summoned his inner Trump and told Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas: “You’re Fired”. No reasons were given. No following the Code of Canon Law’s Process for the removal of a Bishop, no due process. Maybe the bishops should join the AFL-CIO. So much for “dialogue and transparency”. I mean why let the Faithful of Tyler know why their bishop was summarily fired?

Was it maladministration, misadministration, moral turpitude, or just measly muckiness? Granted some bishops suffer from a compulsive disorder that makes them tweet every torrid thought they have. Self-control, one of the fruits of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, more Bishops should bear that fruit. Or maybe Prozac.

Then in a cat fight with Cardinal Burke, the Pontiff cut off Burke’s salary and evicted him from his Rome apartment and word is he even took his last can of Who Hash. Cindy-Lou would understand. At least Burke was trying to make some solid theological points and not engaging in a personality smear. But his arms were too short to box with Francis. Then Archbishop Ganswein, who was Pope Benedict’s assistance until his death, was sent packing to his native Germany without being given a post or assignment. Auf wiedersehen, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Strange how all this happened while the bafflegab of the Synod on Synodality was going on: DIALOGUE, INCLUSION and ACCOMPANIMENT. Bring them in from the peripheries, margins, and fringes to have them be heard, was the theme. In the meantime, Strickland, Burke and Ganswein get to accompany one another to the peripheries, margins, and fringes. Well, I guess, someone needs to be on the peripheries, margins, and fringes so we can reach out to them.

“Now please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right. It could be perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all, may have been that his heart was two sizes too small.” No, maybe just simply he said: “I do not like them in a house, I do not like them with a mouse, I do not like them here or there, I do not like them anywhere.”

Some have said these three banishments were mean-spirited, petty, punitive, retaliatory, spiteful, bitter, callous, malevolent, tyrannical, unfeeling, callous, cold-blooded, spiteful, vindicative, catty, cruel, snide, tart, trenchant, wrathful, harsh, stern, unfeeling, unamiable, uncaring, uncompassionate, unkind, insensitive, churlish, cold, ruthless, merciless, heartless, sinister, venomous, and woeful. But who am I to judge?

Tiffs, bust-ups and contretemps between Popes, Cardinals and Bishops are nothing new to the Church. In fact, it’s part of our DNA. Peter and Paul had their disagreement, we read about it in the Letter to the Galatians. Granted, these things are probably better handled discreetly. Have a sit down, a tete-a-tete, a cozy chat and make them an offer they can’t refuse. But then again, using the Michael Corleone Method, sends a message. “Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.” Message received.

Bishops have been exiled plenty of times in the past. St. Athanasius was exiled nine times from his Diocese. He didn’t back down but outlasted his detractors. Pretty reasonable to assume this trifecta of ecclesiastical refugees will do the same. But we shouldn’t get distracted by these minor historical squabbles. Though admittedly for the secular press, this is ecclesiastical porn. They just can’t turn away from it. The Truths of our Faith are too important to be subverted by this sideshow.

For now, we prepare for the Birth of Christ. He comes no matter the pastor, bishop or Pope is a saint, scoundrel, or scoffer. Remember, Jesus was born into a broken world, in a decrepit stable, hardly a place for a child, yet alone the Savior to be birthed. So, he comes again into a broken Church, to a wounded people and a fractured leadership. Yet, he comes no matter the conditions. Still, he comes.


Fr. John B.