Dear Friends,
The Shroud of Turin is still, well shrouded in mystery. The Shroud is thought by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus. I say, “thought” because no one has ever been able to empirically prove that it is and no one has been able to prove that it isn’t. The Shroud of Turin is the most studied and investigated artifact on the planet. And despite the most sophisticated and highly technical scientific analysis it still refuses to yield its secrets.
READ MOREDear Friends,
And I came to believe in a power much higher than I I came to believe that I needed help to get by In childlike faith I gave in and gave him a try And I came to believe in a power much higher than I “Came to Believe” by Johnny Cash.
Welcome to all our members, part-time members, sometimes members, associate members, family members of members, not-so-sure-you’re-a-member members, Spring Training visitors and anyone who just wandered in on this Easter Sunday to see what Catholics do on an Easter Sunday.
Dear Friends,
As we enter into the week we call Holy we begin with the crowds who sing “Hosanna’s” to Jesus as he enters Jerusalem but we will end the week with them by shouting “Crucify him”. There are moments when we want a Savior of our own making and moments when we reject the type of Savior that God offers us. How much do we want a God who comes to us on our terms yet spurn the God who comes to us on His terms?
READ MOREDear Friends, The AZ Legislature passed a bill that specifies that a “physician may not provide irreversible gender reassignment surgery to any individual who is under eighteen years of age," (The bill makes some exceptions, including in the case of someone born intersex.) And right on cue the media and the usual progressives they cheer for accused the Legislature of “targeting transgender children”. Well, no. The law doesn't target transgender children, it protects children, who cannot give full consent, from having their bodies permanently mutilated. We don't allow minors to purchase alcohol, tobacco, firearms, vote or be conscripted into military service because we understand that there is a developmental difference between children, teens and adults. So why would we allow them to have surgeries and treatments that are irreversible? Why is it OK for a minor to have a mastectomy or have their genitals surgically removed but not buy a six-pack?