Dear Friends,
The joy of giving comes into focus this time of year. We all get to be Santa if we want. We do that because we have been blessed and in turn seek to bless others. The essence of our Stewardship is to “return to the Lord with increase”. So, here are some ways this Christmas you can leverage your resources for the sake of the Kingdom.
I was blessed to work with the Sister from the Servants of the Plan of God while in Tempe. But their work spans the globe and many of their Missions are in very remote and impoverished places that even few Missionaries want to go to. One of their Missions is high up in the Andes Mountains in Ayaviri, Peru. A mostly cold and desolate place that is populated by many elderly people who have been abandoned as their children left the area to seek work elsewhere. The few families that are there are unable to care properly for their children so the Sisters provide medical care (one Sister is a physician) as well as education. They also care for the abandoned elderly. Your support will help them continue their mission and serve the poorest of the poor. So, help bring Christmas to Ayaviri! (Details and a video of their work are found here).
Though this won’t cost you anything it will allow your taxes to support Private Education and Organizations like St. Vincent de Paul. If you pay tax in AZ you are eligible to participate. Just ask your tax preparer how it works. You make the donation and receive it back in a tax credit!
You can support the Youth at Risk FullCircle Program by purchasing a needed item for the Program. Our Youth Centers in AZ, CO, KC and GA all need your support. Your support helps young people overcome their struggles with substance misuse, cutting, eating and related issues. FullCircle is another way to invest in the next generation. So be a FullCircle Santa today. Go to
Whether you are a fulltime resident in Sun City West, a Snow Bird or a sometimes Winter Visitor don't forget to make a gift to the Parish so we can continue to bless those who bless us!