Dear Friends,
Welcome to People Raiser II: All Aboard the Steward Ship! The Ship is about to set sail, have you reserved your stateroom yet?
I want to draw your attention to two “Ports of Call”, that are among the dozens of ministries that you can serve in at our Parish. The first, we introduced last year: the Technology Ministry. Maybe that sounds a little intimidating, but it simply means helping to operate the Live Stream and the Projection of the songs at Mass. We have a wonderful, committed group that has organized this ministry and has been running it smoothly for the past year. But help is always needed. The more who serve in this ministry, the more we can offer the Live Stream to our parishioners for the funerals of their loved ones. And since just about everyone in our Parish is from somewhere else, the Live Stream enables out of state family and friends to participate in the Funeral rites. Training will be provided! So, sign up today at the People Raiser in Madonna Hall.
Just as I suspected this summer, when the relics of St. Bernadette came to us, that the saints never inject themselves into our lives without a reason, well St. Bernadette brought to our Parish a new ministry. Aptly called St. Bernadette’s Ministry. The ministry based on the principles of Palliative Care, offers those who are coming to the end of their time with us or advanced in age, to tell their story and leave a written legacy for their loved ones. It also helps remind those whose time may be short, that they are still important, still have something to share with the rest of us. Please stop by the table marked St. Bernadette’s Ministry and find out more. I especially recommend our wonderful Ministers of Care to participate in this wonderful new ministry since you are in contact with and have a relationship with many of our homebound parishioners. And some of you are good writers, this is your chance to use that skill in a new and healing way!
As we celebrate the many wonderful Ministries our Parish has on offer, we do so because of the command of Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you”. The idea of giving to another without any expectation of return is a concept that is a concept that perplexed the world as the early Church grew. For many it still is perplexing. Why give to another when they can’t give back to you? Why do a favor when the favor can’t be returned? But Jesus said, “If you only love those who love you what good is that? Even the taxpayers and hypocrites do the same.”
No, for us, giving without expecting return, sacrificial giving is a virtue. And practicing that virtue changes people’s lives, their circumstances and helps create a much more trusting and loving culture. It also demonstrates that we are true followers of Jesus, putting others before self.
So as the Steward Ship readies to set sail: All Aboard! With the many and varied ministries here at the Parish, there is something for everyone to do. You can match your skills with a ministry or set out and stretch yourself to do something new. Either way, the many Ports of Call are waiting for stewards to show up and serve.
Love, Fr. John B., Captain of the Steward Ship
PS. After you sign up, the Ministry head will call you to report to your Muster Station for training, including Safe Environment Training if you haven’t already completed it.