Your Balance Sheet

02-27-2022Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

Our dear friend norma loquendi says that the term “toxic asset” is an oxymoron that you can bank on! It is amazing at what speed we distort the meaning of words or just outright change the definition of a word to make it seem like it is something it is not. George Orwell would be proud. My favorite current obfuscation is “pre-embryo”. It is a nonsensical and non-scientific redefining of the meaning of embryo to describe an embryo that is not yet implanted in a womb but is rather in a Petri dish. Of course, no matter where the embryo is it is still an embryo.


40 Days

02-20-2022Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

In recent years Alcohol producers have tried to market themselves as socially responsible. That’s why you frequently will see attached to beer commercials the slogan: “Drink Responsibly” or “Don’t Drink and Drive”. Does it work? Well yes but not in the way you think. Alcohol producers spend a lot of money on advertising and they don’t do it as a shot in the dark or with their fingers crossed hoping it has an effect. They carefully and meticulously measure the impact of their marketing strategies. What they find when they run those “Drink Responsibly” ads is that alcohol sales actually increase. What a fantastic cover: make yourself look socially responsible and increase your sales. Brilliant.


Love and Marriage

02-13-2022Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

We celebrate this week St. Valentines Day and as anyone who has been married for a long time knows, love, real love is much more than romance. Still romance is important and must be kept alive and that’s why having a day to just be romantic is important. Unfortunately for those whose married love is waning a heart shaped box of chocolates or a dozen roses won’t change things much. Married love requires much more.



02-06-2022Pastor's LetterFr. John Bonavitacola

Dear Friends,

Years ago, a news station did a real hit job on a friend of mine that affected his business for the worse. They had cleverly edited some video to make it sound like he was sayings things he never said. I went and spoke to the News Producer and she admitted they had edited the video to have my friend say things he never actually said. When I asked her how she could justify doing that, she simply said, “well even though he never said those things, he is the type of person who probably would say such things”.